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Cayley and District History Book

If you have resided in Cayley or the surrounding area for any length of time since 1967, or if you were missed in the Under The Chinook Arch publication, we ask that you submit your story.


We encourage you to write or type your memories in your own words; the following are some ideas to serve as a guide.


q     Full name, place of birth and date

q     Family origins, parents, grandparents, etc.

q     Marriage, children

q     Why your family came to this area

q     Childhood, schooling, career

q     Where you have resided, and where you now live

q     Special memories, major events, activities, awards, bits of humour

q     Interesting anecdotes of school, the community, your family

q     Family picture


Click below to view the Siewert family story

The Allan & Frances Siewert Story

            We are asking for family stories and any interesting stories about local people and events.


The publication committee reserves the right to edit (not change) stories for the purpose of space and repetition.

Please Direct Stories, Photos, Book Orders to:


Cayley History Book

C/O Mary Turner

Box 133

Cayley, Alberta T0L 0P0

Please Direct Inquiries to:


Ken Stadlwiser (403) 395-3843

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